In order to provide Costa Rican exporters with information to help them successfully negotiate with international buyers, the Costa Rican Foreign Trade Promoter (PROCOMER) has organized, under the framework of the Continue Reading Specialized forums prepare Costa Rican exporters for internationalization
Thanks to our regional leadership in sustainability, economic growth and an outstanding participation of the essential COSTA RICA Country Brand in global editions, Costa Rica will be the proud host of the 1st edition of City Continue Reading Costa Rica to receive experts from Country and City Brands from all over the world
\"Excellence is not an act, but a habit\" - Aristoteles. Representatives of the institutions that make up the essential COSTA RICA Country Brand Committee, ended the 2019 B2B Forum conversation panel with an invitation Continue Reading essential COSTA RICA encourages greater excellence as a competitive advantage in international markets
The registration period for the first incubation cycle of the \"Strengthening the Costa Rican ecosystem of green technology startups for internationalization\" program opens this August 26, 2019 and will continue open through Continue Reading First specialized incubation program for green technology startups launched
The 2019 Buyers Trade Mission (BTM), provides small and mid-sized businesses the opportunity to participate in value added chains through the business matchmaking forum organized by the Costa Rican Foreign Trade Continue Reading BTM 2019 brings buyers and providers together to create high value-added chains
This Wednesday \"Discover\" and \"Green Growth\" launched initiatives designed to benefit 80 small national companies with seed capital.
This support seeks to improve the environmental sustainability profiles and the export capacity of companies, diversify agriculture and fisheries Continue Reading Call participants for non-reimbursable fund competitions for SMEs
Inter-institutional Committee joined by the Ministry of Culture and welcomes the new Chancellor
essential COSTA RICA continues to work hard to position the country in international markets, and as part of this work, it included Continue Reading The Costa Rica Country Brand welcomes its new members
Hemos cerrado el proceso de inscripción para Encadenados 2024. Sin embargo, si se encuentra interesado en participar por favor enviar un correo a: para que el equipo de Encadenamiento evalúe su solicitud.