The Foreign Trade and Investment Promoter of Costa Rica (PROCOMER) was established in 1996 under the Law of the Republic No. 7638 to assume the functions previously carried out by the Export Free Zone Corporation, the Center for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (CENPRO), and the National Investment Council.
According to its founding law, PROCOMER is responsible for:
To generate inclusive and sustainable well-being in all of Costa Rica’s regions through the creation of more export companies, the diversification of exports and foreign direct investment, linkages of SMEs with large exporters, the redirection of human talent needed for production, and trade facilitation.
To diversify the exportable offer by creating new exporters in all regions of the country, promoting new products and services, and facilitating entry into new markets and channels.
To attract and retain FDI for sectors that contribute to job creation and sustainable and inclusive development in all regions of the country.
To develop linkages between national and multinational companies, as well as between SMEs and large companies, in all sectors and regions.
Streamlined trade
To increase the country’s competitiveness by simplifying export and investment procedures.
Human Talent
To promote the development of the technical human talent necessary for growth, export diversification, and the generation of formal and inclusive employment.
From January to December, 2023, Costa Rican goods exports
grew by 15.5% compared to 2022, reaching USD 18,244 million.
Exports of services increased by 20.5% compared to the previous
year (third quarter of 2023), totaling USD 10,578 million. Excluding
the travel category, growth was over 15%.
This growth is attributed to the recovery in the travel category
and knowledge-intensive services, such as technology and business
services, which showed significant annual increases.
In 28 years, PROCOMER has led outstanding initiatives, such as the
creation of the essential COSTA RICA Country Brand and the Foreign
Trade Single Window (VUCE) 2.0. Currently, we are developing an advanced
digital tool to centralize the entire Costa Rican export offer, facilitating trade between national exporters and international buyers.
Schedule: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
General service hours: Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Personal procedures (Ministry of Health): Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Exact address: 100 meters west, 150 meters north, and 75 meters west of ICE in Sabana Norte, San José. Two-story building with signage.