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Plataforma de Comercio Exterior

Utilice las herramientas digitales que PROCOMER pone a su disposición, para potenciar oportunidades de negocio y agilizar procesos en sus trámites de comercio exterior.

Exporter Investor

Special Regimes

Find all the platforms to carry out procedures related to the Special Regimes.


Single Window of Investment

A platform that allows you to digitally perform all processes and procedures required by companies to formally install themselves, operate,…


Foreign Trade Single Window

Discover the benefits of simplifying and facilitating export procedures through a single digital platform.


Exporter Test

The Exporter Test tool will allow you to identify the stage your business is at in relation to entering international…


Integrated Logistics System

A platform where you can access logistics tools to export and import your products.

Exporter International Buyer

Statistical Portal

Analyze the performance of Costa Rican exports and evaluate opportunities in new markets.


Market research

Learn about the results of market studies conducted by PROCOMER to help you boost your business in international markets.

Exporter International Buyer

Buy From CR

Digital platform that allows international buyers to connect with more than 400 Costa Rican exporters.


Conozca nuestras oficinas, ¡estamos para atenderle!

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